Contact Us!
Please call, email or stop by our shop at
12571 Hwy 27
Little Falls, MN 56345
Phone: 320-632-4842
Fax: 320-639-0075
William 'Frog'
Hours of Operation
Monday-Friday 9:00-3:00
Call ahead to make appointment.

- From St. Cloud: Take Hwy 10 West.
Take the first exit (County Rd 76N) into Little Falls. At second stoplight
(Hwy 27) take a left. Go approximately 12 blocks West.
- From Brainerd: Take Hwy 371 South.
Merge onto Hwy 10 East. Take the first exit into Little Falls. At first stoplight (Hwy
27) take a right. Go all the way through town, approximately
2.5 miles or 28 blocks. We are
three blocks past Pine Grove Zoo.
- From Randall: Take Hwy 10 East.
Take the first exit (County Road 52) into Little Falls. At the first
stoplight (Hwy 27) take a right. Go approximately 11 blocks West.